San Clemente
Location: Santiago, Chile
Installed: 2015
Project type: Cherry Solution
“Sending cherries from Chile to China is not easy - we export cherries all over the world to meet seasonal demand. The food needs to be processed efficiently to a very high standard with no defects, which would be impossible without this line of technology,”
Kings River Packing
Location: California, USA
Capacity: 140 bins /hour
Installed: 2014
Project type: Citrus Solution
“The lines are set up to be as flexible as possible so at the end of the day, the growers make more money.”
West Pak
Location: California, USA
Capacity: 24 tonne/hour
Installed: 2012
Project type: Avocado Solution
“We’re extremely pleased with the support we get and the relationship we’ve developed with Compac.”
Professional Produce
Location: Los Angeles, USA
Installed: 2014
Project type: Repack - Tomato & Citrus
“The biggest challenge with technology is to be able to train your staff to work the machine to its best capabilities.”
Titan Farms
Location: South Carolina, USA
Installed: 2014
Project type: Stonefruit Solution
“The biggest advantage of using technology like Compac is the data and information we can feed back to make us better growers.”