You’ve worked hard to invest in delivering delicious fruit to a strong customer base. Your customers rely on you for quality and safe produce 365 days a year. Yet despite your investment in technology and automation, a single breakdown could slow your entire supply chain. We understand the challenges you face and see it as our responsibility to make sure you get the best out of your packing line.
Darrell Smithson
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Compac Care - Proactive service offering
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Darrell Smithson on Oct 10, 2017 2:14:05 AM
How does Compac’s investment in ServiceMax benefit customers like you?
Posted by
Darrell Smithson on Aug 30, 2017 11:31:04 AM
Customer experience is everything! You can invest in the most advanced technology and arrange your packhouse in the most efficient way, but this means nothing if attention is not given to keeping things running. The fresh produce industry is quickly changing; consumers are demanding high quality produce and retails are pushing these demands down to the packhouse, meaning consistent uptime is crucial to meet expectations. Downtime is costly in multiple ways, which is why Compac is focusing on maximizing uptime for our customers on our journey to building a world class service organization.