Simulators have been used in a variety of industries to help them prepare for every situation imaginable, or unimaginable for that matter. From surgical training in hospitals, to police and army academies - simulation tools are equipping professionals for everything and anything.
Gopinath Ravi
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How simulation software can improve packhouse efficiency
New technology to improve your weighing accuracy
One of the core functions of a packhouse is the accurate and precise weighing of produce for subsequent packing and distribution. Modern packhouses commonly utilize electronic sorting equipment to increase throughput and reduce costs. Within your packhouse, having an accurate, precise set of “weighing scales” is critical to ensure maximum yield through minimized giveaway, and to protect your brand by guaranteeing that every bag meets your customer's target weight requirements.
Handle with care: maintaining produce quality from field to packhouse.
When is a piece of produce at its best quality and condition within its consumable lifetime? At the orchard, right before it is picked off the tree. To maintain ‘field fresh’ quality from farm to supermarket shelf, produce must be handled gently throughout the packing process.